Foreign Affiliations

Foreign Affiliations


To perfect and fine-tune services to clients, ICSCL has MOUs with companies/organizations abroad for technical backup such as:


  1. Brown Corrosion Services Incorporated, Texas, USA.

Contact:                               Jane Brown

Tel:                                     (832) 327 0965

Fax:                                    (832) 327 0968

E-Mail:                  [email protected]


  1. MESA Products, 1415-FM 1960 East, Houston, Tx 77073.

Contact:                               Maribel Cantu

Tel:                                     +12814458700

Fax:                                     +12814458880

E-Mail:                  mesa.communications@mesaproducts.

  1. BJ Power Company Limited, #461-35, Jeonmin – dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea

Contact:                               John

Tel:                                     +82 42 273 7460

Fax:                                     +82 42 282 5779

E-Mail:                                 [email protected]


  1. Nuova Giungas Srl Socio Unico- 410 43 FORMIGINE (MO) Italy, via A.Moro 26,28

                Contact:                               Paolo Dini

                Tel:                                     059-578611

                Fax:                                     059-570633

                E-Mail:                           [email protected]




Preparation of partial and detailed rural telephone documentation including design for urban and rural telephone network backbone.